Shoulder pain is a common condition that affects people of all ages, often causing discomfort and affecting daily activities. If you're looking for a natural, non-invasive treatment option for shoulder pain, chiropractic care can be a great solution.

At Leaf Chiropractic, we have seen many cases of shoulder pain that can be treated with chiropractic techniques. Here are some common shoulder conditions treated by chiropractors and the techniques they use to alleviate shoulder pain.
Frozen Shoulder Frozen shoulder is a painful condition that can significantly limit the range of motion in the shoulder. It occurs due to swelling, tightening, or thickening of the tissues surrounding the shoulder. Chiropractors can use articulatory techniques to help improve the joint's range of motion, allowing for better shoulder mobility.
Rotator Cuff Disorder The rotator cuff is a network of tendons and muscles found around the shoulder joint. Tendons are tough cords that link muscles to bones. This network of muscles and tendons helps to keep the shoulder in its position, enabling it to move only in a controlled way. Chiropractors can use myofascial release techniques to release tight connective tissues around the shoulder, alleviating rotator cuff disorder.
Torn Muscles Muscle tears are a type of rotator cuff disorder. The simplest way to find out if you have a muscle tear is to experience severe pain in the shoulder. Chiropractors can use functional techniques to loosen the joint capsule and relieve stiffness, ultimately alleviating torn muscles.
Dislocated Shoulder A dislocated shoulder is an unfortunately common contact sports injury. Chiropractors can use cervical spinal manipulation to balance the cervical spinal vertebrae, decreasing pain from pinched nerves and improving shoulder mobility.
Pinched Nerve When there are mechanical issues in your neck or shoulder joint, pressure can be released on any nerve, causing pain, numbness, and tingling in the hands, arms, and shoulders. Chiropractors can use cervical spinal manipulation to decrease pain from pinched nerves.
Arthritis Arthritis causes inflammation and pain in your shoulder that restricts movement and decreases your shoulder's range of motion. Chiropractors can use myofascial release and articulatory techniques to release tight connective tissues around the shoulder and improve the joint's range of motion.
Shoulder Bursitis Shoulder bursitis occurs when the fluid-filled shoulder capsule becomes irritated or inflamed. Chiropractors can use myofascial release techniques to release tight connective tissues around the shoulder, alleviating shoulder bursitis and preventing frozen shoulder.
Tendonitis Shoulder tendonitis is a type of inflammation and irritation in the biceps or rotator cuff tendons. Chiropractors can use myofascial release and functional techniques to release tight connective tissues around the shoulder and improve the joint's range of motion.
Chiropractic techniques to treat shoulder pain include articulatory, myofascial release, cervical spinal manipulation, and functional techniques. Chiropractors focus on the skeleton and how it aligns to help move the body and do its daily tasks. Chiropractic is an invasive treatment of shoulder pain with no side effects, and it does not interact negatively with other treatments.
In summary, if you are wondering whether a chiropractor can help with shoulder pain, the answer is yes. Chiropractic care offers a safe and effective alternative to traditional medical treatments, with little to no side effects. By addressing the underlying cause of your shoulder pain and promoting optimal joint and muscle function, chiropractic care can help alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and enhance overall quality of life. Contact Leaf Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a pain-free life.